Need ID in Zante?

You don't need ID, or have to worry at all if you’re 17 in Zante.

Do You Need ID in Zante?

Zante Legal Drinking Age

We get asked this a lot by 17 year old’s worried they will get all the way to Zante and not be allowed a drink!!

This answer is definitive, based on 10 years in the resort and you can take it to the bank. You will never in a million years have a problem getting served at a bar in Greece if you are 17.


You will never be asked for ID in any Zante bar, club or restaurant or at any event.

However, a word to the wise. This policy is so relaxed because young Greek people don’t down litres of cider and get themselves paralytic drunk, this style of drinking is alien to their culture.

However, in the main nightlife area in Zante, the Laganas Strip, they are more than used to seeing extremely drunk British teenagers.


Drinking too much can ruin your holiday and it happens every night to plenty of people in Laganas. Unfortunately, some victims of their own stupidity can’t just put their hands up and say OK I’m a twat sorry!

It’s a lot easier to declare ‘I never get like that in England I must have been spiked’.

Then Zante gets a load of negative news coverage which annoys all the hard working hoteliers and bar owners!

So, try to be at least a little sensible, not just for your sake – it’s annoying when you’ve paid loads of money for a week in Zante and you have to look after your twat of a friend all night because they’re rolling round in their own vomit!


It tends to be younger tourists with a little less life experience who have accidents on the roads in Zante. Alcohol is always the cause.

So, if you’re 17 years old and you have convinced Mum that you're responsible enough to visit Zante with your friends, don’t let them down by being foolish and having a drunken accident.

And remember it’s never a good idea to go flying around on a quad after you’ve been drinking as lots of people have found out the hard way that it's the worst idea ever.

Did you know Quad bikes are NOT covered by your travel insurance?


If you damage yourself you will incur hefty medical expenses. If you damage other people you may face criminal charges and get locked up. If you damage the bike, or even if you don't and they say you have - you will get stung for hundreds of euro.

It's difficult to argue with angry Albanian's when they have your passport! This money would be far better spent on frozen cocktails by the pool at Karma Day Club.

Read some other top tips about how not to come a cropper in Zante here.

Further Zante reading

Zante Events and Party Packages June 2025

Zante Events and Party Packages July 2025

Zante Events and Party Packages August 2025

Zante Events 2025

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Over 40 events are being hyped on social media, however there’s no more than 10 worth going to.

Zante Bars

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Zante is basically one never ending bar crawl!

Zante Events Calendar 2025

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Check out which events are confirmed for Summer 2025, times, dates and details. Then get booking. The more research and planning you do for your holiday the more fun you will have. Remember to plan some daytime excursions as well!

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